
The Latest from Our Recent Grantee Perception Study from Center for Effective Philanthropy

每四年一次, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台 (CHF) – like many philanthropic organizations all over the country – taps into our partnership with the Center for Effective Philanthropy to learn from our amazing grantees about how they experience us.

每四年一次, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台 (CHF) – like many philanthropic organizations all over the country – taps into our partnership with the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) to learn from our amazing grantees about how they experience us as a funder. This important survey is one of many data points we prioritize to help us understand what it’s like to work with us. 我们上一次调查是在2019年, 揭示了我们在慈善实践中的重要经验, 我们承诺改进,以解决我们的受助人发现的一些差距. 

时间快进到2023年. Not only has the world experienced dramatic challenges and change, but so have we as an organization. Like many of you, our world is still rebuilding around the fall-out of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Those years both highlighted centuries-long health inequities that our mission is focused on correcting, 但也需要一种“新常态”. 我们的“新常态”涉及瑞士法郎内部的许多变化.  和, our most recent CEP grantee survey results have highlighted that these changes have not just affected us internally, 也为我们在科罗拉多州的非营利性受助人提供外部服务. 

调查, 在2023年9月和10月投入使用, 反映了我们对以下方面的强烈正面看法:

  • 对科罗拉多州社区和组织的持续影响. 受访者表示,CHF“为科罗拉多州的健康状况提供了一个基准.”
  • 切换到更大, multi-year grants (84% of grantees report receiving grants lasting two years or longer) and expansion of our philanthropy beyond monetary grants to include capacity building programming and convening. Respondents who report receiving any kind of non-monetary assistance from the Foundation rate significantly higher on most measures across the survey. 
  • 我们对种族正义的承诺. In 2021, we intentionally deepened our mission’s focus on racial justice as our chosen pathway to achieving health equity in Colorado调查对象为历史上没有权力的社区服务, 瑞士法郎的资助对特权和收入产生了积极的影响, and most grantees agree that staff communicate well about our commitment to equity and how it applies to their work. 

调查还指出了有待改进的领域. 大流行是这些挑战的原因之一. 仍然, 当我们根据这些改进区域仔细检查我们所经历的变化时, 很明显,它们是相关的: 

  • 也就是说, 我们也未能幸免于"大辞职" 这始于大流行期间, 最终,我们近30%的员工在2021年至2023年之间进行了转换. As a funder that prioritizes community engagement and relationships as core to the work, 这是很难驾驭的. The bottom line is that our grantees and other community partners have recently experienced many 员工的转变. About a third of survey respondents experienced a contact change in the six months leading up to the survey. 
  • 因为员工的过渡等因素, some grantee partners are still in the earlier stages of relationship building with our staff, and some of our staff are in the process of gaining a deeper understanding of grantees and the communities they serve. 这意味着受助人对项目人员不太熟悉,接触项目人员的机会也较少, 特别是如果他们刚接触瑞士法郎. 此外还存在沟通缺口, 因为受资助者需要更清楚地了解CHF的工作, 流程和资金决策.
  • 我们必须继续深化和扩大员工在科罗拉多州社区的时间. 无论是由于大流行旅行限制造成的中断, 员工的转变, 不断变化的社区动态, 或者其他因素, the survey results reinforce the immense need for staff to spend time in community with those who live and work there. Meaningful engagement and relationship building across Colorado communities is vital to our work and essential to help advance the kind of change communities want to see. 

我们被我上面分享的一些好消息所鼓舞, 特别是考虑到我们对我们资助的非营利组织的影响. We are also focused on many opportunities to try new approaches to our work that we hope deliver solutions to the gaps.  

以下总结了CEP为我们提供的主要改进机会, 除了我们应对未来挑战和机遇的计划之外: 

  1. 建立关系Grantees generally want clarity on their primary point of contact and the ability to reach that staff member as needed. There is a need for more responsiveness, candid discussions and openness to grantee ideas. 


  • Ensuring that our relationships are not transactional, but deeply meaningful and high quality. 
  • Using technology to increase responsiveness and accessibility including leveraging our new customer relationship management system. 
  • Building intentional connection moments between staff and a grantee throughout the life cycle of a grant.
  • 与项目人员建立更多的信息十大菠菜靠谱平台机会, 包括办公时间, 增加对员工的访问.
  • Looking for more opportunities that create flexibility for grantees that balances both relationship building and compliance needs. 
  1. Community Understanding: Grantees want program staff to have a stronger and deeper understanding of the work they do and the communities they serve. 


  • Ensuring our staff have engagement and learning skills and practices that deepen our understanding of work that grantees are leading, 以及他们工作和生活的每个社区的动态. 
  • Spending more time out in communities in Colorado and expanding our relationships with local business owners, 民选官员和其他社区领导人. 
  1. Communications: Grantees want and need clearer and more consistent communications from program staff about our work. 


  • Updating our approach on how we communicate or share funding opportunities each cycle.
  • 使主要的沟通途径更容易导航. This includes improving website navigation and updating our organizational messaging and communications practices to be clearer about our work. 
  • 提高拨款申请决策过程的透明度, 以及如何通过录制的网络研讨会进行融资周期. 

CHF的核心价值是透明,透明在我们身上以多种形式体现出来. 当涉及到我们收集的数据, we know how vital it is to share back with any community who has taken the time to tell us about their experiences with CHF.  当我们继续解决我们的做法,以更好地集中被资助者的需求, we also hope it has been helpful to see the CEP survey feedback summary and how we are responding to it. 附件是完整的调查结果,如果你有兴趣了解更多细节的话. 

我重视并欢迎你对这篇博文的个人回复. 如果您有后续反馈或意见,请随时与我们十大菠菜靠谱平台 me 或者你指定的项目官员.  

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